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Monday, November 10, 2014

The Power of Story

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I spent part of last week at a remarkable training at Sewanee called "Living in the Green." [More information on the program can be found here:]

While I am still absorbing all I learned and thinking through how it can be asset to the work we are about in raising up leaders here in the Episcopal Church in CT, one of the biggest lessons I carry from it is that of the power of story. Part of our training was to "try on" and experience a particular way of doing discernment and conversation. This involved the use of story prompts and small group sharing. We used a passage from a speech by Howard Thurman (see an excerpt here) about the "sound of the genuine." What struck me most was the profound level of sharing that happened through this story prompt. Within a few minutes, I was deeply connected to two other individuals who I otherwise barely knew. And I also was profoundly aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit, in their stories and in our conversation. 

We often talk about story. We are a people rooted in story - in Scripture, in the stories of our own Anglican tradition, in our own individual stories - and yet I so often find myself operating on the more superficial, informational level. I can be so task or goal oriented that I can forget how essential it is - to the work we are about, as well as to the building up of God's kingdom - to share and to listen to our stories. We are stronger, more deeply connected, wiser and more thoughtful beings for the gift of hearing one another tell our stories and for the gift of being heard. The Holy Spirit is at work through my time at Sewanee and the opportunities I have to engage with those in discernment, formation and in leadership positions. Clearly I need to pay more attention and leave more room for stories.


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